Well well, I haven't been the most active blogger, but then I didn't do much of knitting or sewing for some time as I got the morning-noon and night sickness for almost three months, but as it got better and my tummy started growing bigger my interests have changed a bit. Now the to do list has a lot of baby-things on it, and today I spent the day making a nursing pillow and a matching crib bedding.
For fun I took pictures of the process and will add them here with some explanations if anyone is interested in making some themselves :)
Firstly to get a nursing pillow that would fit for me I took a pair of jeans (which don't fit at the moment.....but they will someday!! ) and drew the waist line onto tracing paper.
Then I decided to make it a bit bigger, just to make sure that it would fit around the waist and measured 25 cm from it the outer edge of the pillow and drew the pillow according to this:

The inner pillow I made out of cheap linen but the outer cover was made out of a more cozy and colorful cotton with rabbits :)
As I didn't want to bother with having a zipper on it I made the outer cover with a fold over fabric from where I can get the inner pillow inside. It was a bit of a bother to get the inner pillow inside after I filled it, but then I don't have to worry about the zipper hurting the baby and I can make other covers later if I find that this was not a good idea.
In the end I had bought way too much fabric so I decided to make bedding for the crib as well and here are all of today's products, it ended up being very cheap as I got the fabric on sale and used beans from an old bean bag to fill the inside of the pillow ;)
Well until next time, have a lovely weekend and happy sewing and knitting :)