Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More on the Icelandic wool

To keep with the theme of last week I wanted to discuss another type of clothing made form the Icelandic wool. The very fine type of wool, called einband or loðband is perfect for making light garments with detail. I first started to knit with einband about two years ago and with some ambition I did not choose the easiest garment for my first one. I saw a icelandic knitting designer wearing a dress I really wanted to make but I could not find the pattern anywhere so I made it up, a few months later of course I found the pattern in a shop close to me, but then I had made this:

The pattern of course is not the same, but very similar and I ended up buying the pattern book and have made a few things out of it even though I haven't tried this dress again, the first time it took about 6 months to knit, but in my defence I was knitting a lot of other things at the same time as well as meeting my boyfriend :)
Speaking of him he had wanted a knitted tie for some time and had hassled other knitters for it before he met me so I decided to make him one for last Xmas using the einband again. The pattern was made by me and I can tell you that you need patience to knit the end of the tie, it seemed to be an endless task...

well enough for now, happy knitting everyone :)


  1. Flott bindi. Hef einmitt verið að mana mig upp í að prjóna eitt svona frá því að Atli var að biðja um það en hef ekki enn nennt því. :)

    Lilja Laufey

  2. Frábær hugmynd hjá þér, kemur stórvel út!

  3. Ótrúlega flottur kjóll!

    The dress is really beutiful!


  4. Takk takk, Atli er kominn með sitt bindi núna, ég á nú örugglega eftir að stela því sjálf því það kemur bara svona ansi vel út með skyrtunni minni :)
    Takk Auður og Halldóra :)
